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Incident 7601 - Resolved

Role: Administrator
Position: Associate Vice President
Discipline: Other; Recruiting and Admissions
Specific Discipline: Recruiting and Admissions
Outcome Year: 2008
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award; Resigned
Quote: "This year, an employee who worked under Shindell while at a previous job at Texas Tech withdrew a harassment complaint against Texas Tech University in exchange for $20,000, a promotion and other perks.

A Texas Tech report that came out in August 2007 concluded that Shindell had violated three university policies that exist to protect workers against discrimination, sexual harassment and retaliation."

"A Texas Tech report that came out in August 2007 concluded that Shindell had violated three university policies that exist to protect workers against discrimination, sexual harassment and retaliation." - Letter from university personnel to accused on accused's personal website (see links).
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