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Incidents at University of California – Los Angeles

Total: 17

Incident 8363

Status: Resolved
Person: James Heaps
Role: Faculty
Position: Physician
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline: Obstetrics/gynecology
Outcome Year: 2018
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award, No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: "The behavior of a prominent UCLA Health gynecologist during an exam with a married mother of four amounted to sexual assault and harassment, according to an investigative report by the university made public Thursday."
"UCLA Health notified Heaps on April 25, 2018 that his employment would end."
" Lawsuit settled"
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Incident 7647

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category:
Quote: Demoted. See
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Incident 7648

Status: Resolved
Person: Kym Faull
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline: Neuroscience, Psychiatry
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Fine / Salary Reduction
Quote: Ineligible for merit increase.
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Incident 7649

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Discipline: unknown
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Fine / Salary Reduction, Training / Counseling Required
Quote: "A male faculty member sent flirtatious mesages to and wolf-whistled at a female student complainant, according to the findings of a Title IX investigation. The respondent contested the findings and alleged he had incurred up to $43,000 in financial losses because of missed opportunities as a result of the investigation. The faculty member was not eligible for a promotion until the 2016-17 academic year."
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Incident 7638

Status: Resolved
Role: Administrator
Position: Administrative Specialist
Discipline: Business
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal), Criminal Plea / Conviction
Quote: "Jumaane Peterson attempted to take or took up-skirt photos of the complainant twice. Peterson pleaded guilty to sexual battery and was sentenced to three years in prison."
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Incident 7639

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: unknown
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Fine / Salary Reduction, Suspended / Leave / Restrictions
Quote: "A Title IX investigation found that an associate professor had created a hostile working and learning environment by repeatedly expressing romantic interest to a student during the winter quarter of 2014. ... interactions with students were restricted for one and a half years, and he paid $7,500 to UC regents in lieu of suspension without pay."
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Incident 7640

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Architecture
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Retired
Quote: "The professor expressed remorse for his actions to the Title IX investigator and said he "was only expressing his romantic interest" and had "no intention to take it further." The professor retired with emeritus status but is not permitted to work for the UC system in the future."
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Incident 7641

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: unknown
Discipline: unknown
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Training / Counseling Required
Quote: Required to take training. See
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Incident 7642

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, Theatre
Specific Discipline: Theatre
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Retired
Quote: "The female undergraduate student was in a class that the professor instructed and in a performance group he supervised. When the student asked for a letter of recommendation after her semester in his class, he allegedly wrote to her in an email that he didn't want to " 'come on' too much" but that she had become a "very special person" to him. After she thanked him for writing the letter of recommendation, he professed in an email that he had romantic feelings for her, writing, “If I was presently your professor and you were my student, I could never have communicated all this to you. There are horrendous rules against it. But, since we are not professor-student, I allowed myself to be incredibly vulnerable — take an enormous risk — demonstrate a huge TRUST in you that this would remain TOTALLY CONFIDENTIAL FOREVER," according to the Title IX investigation. The student wrote back that he had misunderstood her and asked him not to contact her again, the Title IX investigation stated. The professor expressed remorse for his actions to the Title IX investigator and said he "was only expressing his romantic interest" and had "no intention to take it further." The professor retired with emeritus status but is not permitted to work for the UC system in the future."
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Incident 7643

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Assistant Researcher
Discipline: Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Bioscience
Specific Discipline: Bioscience, Microbiology
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: Fired for hostile environment sexual harassment.
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Incident 7644

Status: Resolved
Person: Eric Gans
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, Languages
Specific Discipline: Languages
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Resigned, Suspended / Leave / Restrictions
Quote: "Eric Gans, a French and Francophone studies distinguished professor emeritus, violated the UC Policy on Sexual Harassment and the Faculty Code of Conduct by seeking to establish an unwelcome romantic relationship with the student."

"After the investigation, Gans settled a lawsuit with UCLA in November 2014 and agreed to resign from his position as professor. He assumed professor emeritus status, except he was prohibited from teaching or lecturing students, administering research projects funded by gifts or applying for future employment within the UC, among other restrictions."
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Incident 7645

Status: Resolved
Person: Thomas Holm
Role: Faculty
Position: Lecturer
Discipline: Law
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: Found in violation of sexual harassment policy inside and outside of classroom.
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Incident 7646

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Employee, Guest lecturer
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: Found responsible for violation of sexual violence policy.
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Incident 7678

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, History
Specific Discipline: History
Outcome Year: 2016
Outcome Category: Fine / Salary Reduction, No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal), Monetary Settlement / Award
Quote: $3,000 fine, suspension without pay for one quarter, required sexual harassment training. Lawsuit settled/additional sanctions against professor. Fired.
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Incident 9030

Status: Resolved
Person: Leticia Perez
Role: Faculty
Discipline: Science
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2015
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: "Perez denied the allegations but was dismissed effective June 15, 2015 as a result of the findings."
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Incident 8048

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: unknown
Discipline: unknown
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 1990
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award, Suspended / Leave / Restrictions
Quote: "UCLA agreed in May 1990 to pay $330,000 to a woman .... the university concluded that the woman was a victim of sexual harassment ... the faculty member was suspended without pay in the wake of the allegations."
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Incident 8505

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year:
Outcome Category:
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