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Incidents at University of California – Santa Cruz

Total: 5

Incident 8255

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2019
Outcome Category: Suspended / Leave / Restrictions
Quote: "On July 8 [2019], the university's Committee on Charges found probable cause that he had, "engaged in research misconduct, verbally abusive and coercive behavior toward students, and harassing and discriminatory behavior toward students."" "On July 12, the terms of involuntary leave were revised again in light of the report by the committee. The new terms did not allow Achlioptas to take part in work-related activities that involve contact with potential students or supervise or advise students. He was also not able to participate in any of his grants."
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Incident 7663

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, History
Specific Discipline: History
Outcome Year: 2019
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: "Professor Gopal Balakrishnan, whose reputation provoked a #MeToo-inspired campaign at the University of California at Santa Cruz, broke the school’s harassment policy"
"Gopal Balakrishnan, a tenured professor in the humanities division at UC Santa Cruz, has been fired after a months-long investigation into complaints of misconduct, the university confirmed"
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Incident 7681

Status: Resolved
Person: Hector Perla
Role: Faculty
Position: Assistant Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, Languages
Specific Discipline: Latin American & Latino Studies
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award, Resigned
Quote: "The professor resigned from the university on June 1, 2016"

"The University of California had agreed to pay $1.15 million to settle before a civil lawsuit or criminal charges were filed"
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Incident 7682

Status: Resolved
Person: David Maciel
Role: Faculty
Position: Visiting Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, Languages
Specific Discipline: Languages
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: Fired from visiting professor position.
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Incident 8494

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year:
Outcome Category:
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