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Incidents at University of Michigan

Total: 18

Incident 9016

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline: Nursing
Outcome Year: 2023
Outcome Category:
Quote: "The University of Michigan’s Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office has found Robert Stephenson, a professor in the School of Nursing, responsible for violations of the University’s sexual misconduct policy for allegedly sexually harassing two Nursing students on multiple occasions, according to a Nov. 13 report obtained by The Michigan Daily."
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Incident 8969

Status: Resolved
Role: Administrator
Position: President
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2022
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: "Mark Schlissel has been removed from his post as president of the University of Michigan after the Board of Regents found evidence he had an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate."
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Incident 8725

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Specific Discipline: Computer science
Outcome Year: 2021
Outcome Category: Resigned
Quote: "The professor, Walter Lasecki, submitted his letter of resignation and will resign on August 30th. His resignation was announced in a Friday night email from Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department chairs. The email also says Lasecki will have no in-person contact with University of Michigan students.

According to the Michigan Daily, the professor’s resignation comes after four complaints of sexual harassment against Laskecki which led to an investigation in 2019 by the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) and a separate investigation by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) which resulted in Laskecki being banned from ACM events for at least 5 years.

The Michigan Daily says they also obtained an email from University Title IX coordinator Elizabeth Seney with information regarding 22 previously undisclosed accounts of sexual harassment by Lasecki."
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Incident 8232

Status: Resolved
Person: David Daniels
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, Music
Specific Discipline: Music
Outcome Year: 2020
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: 3/27/20: "...David Daniels has been fired from his position as a tenured professor at the University of Michigan [UM] following allegations of sexual misconduct."
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Incident 8548

Status: Resolved
Role: Administrator
Position: Provost
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2020
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award, No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: From March 11, 2020 article:

"The University of Michigan has removed Provost Martin Philbert, who was facing multiple sexual assault allegations, from his role as the university's highest-ranking academic administrator, the university announced Wednesday morning. Philbert also is a tenured professor and must go through a due process procedure."

"One of those involved a lawsuit that was settled that contained allegations of Philbert and a researcher in his lab having a physical relationship. "

"The outside investigation is still ongoing. Once it is complete, a determination will be made regarding whether Philbert will be subject to proceedings to remove him from his faculty role. Meanwhile, Philbert will remain on paid administrative leave from his duties as a tenured faculty member."

"He was fired from his position as provost in March. In June, he relinquished his faculty tenure rights and his last day at the university was June 30."
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Incident 8604

Status: Resolved
Role: Administrator
Position: Director of Health Services
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline: Medicine
Outcome Year: 2020
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award, No Known Outcome for Respondent
Quote: "Anderson died 12 years ago [2008]" "The University of Michigan appears eager to write a different story. It doesn’t dispute that Anderson was an abuser. Indeed, the chair of the board of regents said that he too was harmed by the doctor, back when he wrestled for the university. The university has apologized."

"Our police investigation found indications that U of M staff members were aware of rumors and allegations of misconduct during Dr. Anderson's medical exams. To those who reported Dr. Anderson, and to anyone who's come forward to report sexual misconduct in any case, I express my sincere gratitude for your courage."

"The University of Michigan has agreed to a $490 million settlement with those who claimed they were sexually abused by the late university sports doctor Robert Anderson."
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Incident 8134

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2018
Outcome Category:
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Incident 8181

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Instructor
Discipline: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Political Science
Specific Discipline: Political Science
Outcome Year: 2018
Outcome Category: Suspended / Leave / Restrictions
Quote: Taught at summer research methods school at University of Michigan. From linked article: "“We do not anticipate having William Jacoby participate in any future ICPSR summer programs,” University of Michigan spokesperson Rick Fitzgerald told BuzzFeed News by email. “He is no longer a member of the advisory committee"
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Incident 8183

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor, Chair of Strings
Discipline: Arts and Humanities, Music
Specific Discipline: Music
Outcome Year: 2018
Outcome Category: Resigned, Retired
Quote: stepped down from his chairmanship of school’s string department and resigned as director of the Strings Preparatory Academy, a pre-college program at the university; investigation ongoing; Retired 2/28/19
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Incident 8784

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2018
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal)
Quote: "John Doe had been terminated and disciplined “based on her reports,” the complaint states. Owyang also informed her in a October 2018 meeting that he had “personally fired” the man based on the university’s conclusion of the informal investigation."
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Incident 8713

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Lecturer
Discipline: Arts and Humanities
Specific Discipline: Music
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Retired
Quote: "The University claimed to have taken action against Conforth by setting restrictions on him after the first report of sexual assault in 2008, and planned to conduct an investigation after the second two reports in 2016, if Conforth did not agree to retire in 2017."
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Incident 8058

Status: Ongoing
Discipline: Engineering
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2012
Outcome Category:
Quote: Lawsuit still ongoing
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Incident 9005

Status: Resolved
Person: Yaron Eliav
Role: Faculty
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities
Specific Discipline: Judaic Studies, Religious Studies
Outcome Year: 2008
Outcome Category: Barred From Leadership or Honorary Position(s), Honor Revoked
Quote: "A Daily investigation found four allegations Eliav engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct with faculty and students in the early 2000s, including a 2008 case in which he was arrested for soliciting prostitution services from a U-M student. According to court documents obtained by The Daily, the University investigated all of these allegations against Eliav and claimed Eliav exhibited a pattern of misconduct between 2004 and 2008. "

"“A University machine had been used to (solicit prostitution services),” McDonald said. “That was the (only) ground on which the University could take action.”

Eliav signed an agreement for several disciplinary sanctions outlined in a 2008 letter from McDonald. He accepted that he couldn’t be nominated as a chair in any U-M programs for five years, and resigned from his committee positions and endowed professorship in the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies. Eliav retained his academic rank as an associate professor of his department."
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Incident 7767

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Assistant Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities
Specific Discipline: Music
Outcome Year: 1997
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal), Jury / Judge Finding - Civil Case
Quote: "trial court judgment entered, on a jury verdict, in favor of plaintiff with regard to her claim of hostile environment sexual harassment "

"On May 1, 1998, a letter was sent to Calabria informing him that for the 1998-1999 academic year he would have no teaching assignments and no office space. "

jury found defendant not liable for quid pro quo sexual harassment, liable for hostile
environment sexual harassment, and found damages in the amount of $250,000. Subsequently,
plaintiff filed a motion for an award of attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to MCL 37.2802. The trial court entered an opinion and order granting plaintiff’s motion for costs and attorney fees in the amount of $184,656.25 for attorney fees and $12,563 for costs. "
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Incident 7766

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences, Psychology
Specific Discipline: Psychology
Outcome Year: 1983
Outcome Category: Resigned
Quote: "Formal investigation into charges of sexual harassment prompted the resignation of a University of Michigan professor last week."
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Incident 8243

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year:
Outcome Category:
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Incident 8554

Status: Ongoing
Role: Faculty
Position: Assistant Professor
Discipline: Engineering
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year:
Outcome Category:
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Incident 8984

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year:
Outcome Category:
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