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Incidents at New Mexico State University

Total: 3

Incident 9070

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Life Sciences
Specific Discipline: Kinesiology
Outcome Year: 2013
Outcome Category: No Known Outcome for Respondent
Quote: "incident in 2013, when a different woman submitted a Title IX complaint against Berning..."

"65. Upon information and belief, NMSU, Wood, and the Doe Defendants substantiated that Berning engaged in sexual misconduct towards the female student in regard to the 2013 incident.
66. Upon information and belief, as dean of the relevant college, Defendant Morehead was notified of the incident outlined in the 2013 report, received a copy of the report of said incident, and coordinated with Wood, the Doe Defendants, NMSU and the Regents to formulate a respond thereto.
Following the 2013 incident, Berning was not subjected to meaningful discipline

or corrective action by any other Defendant despite the investigation having substantiating

extremely concerning sexualized behavior and misconduct towards a female student, including unwanted physical and sexual advances conducted in a locked faculty office."

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Incident 7451

Status: Resolved
Person: Larry Olsen
Role: Administrator
Position: Associate Dean
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline: Public Health
Outcome Year: 2008
Outcome Category: Resigned
Quote: "An associate dean at New Mexico State University who was accused of e-mailing pornography to others at the school has apologized, according to a confidential memo."

Earlier this week, New Mexico State University Associate Dean Dr. Larry Olsen permanently resigned from his position at the College of Health and Human Services; after University Administrators conducting an internal investigation concluded that he violated University policy."
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Incident 9036

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year:
Outcome Category:
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