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Incidents at University of Southern Mississippi

Total: 1

Incident 7824

Status: Resolved
Person: Rex Stamper
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Arts and Humanities
Specific Discipline: English Writing Humanities
Outcome Year: 1995
Outcome Category: No Longer Employed (includes Fired and Contract Non-renewal), Monetary Settlement / Award, Jury / Judge Finding - Civil Case
Quote: "awarded $800,000 in August 2002 in damages after a jury found that Rex Stamper -- a former English professor at the school -- sexually harassed her."

"The Mississippi Supreme Court upheld the verdict in November 2004, but ordered a new jury trial to determine damages."

"A settlement was reached in Forrest County Circuit Court today for the damages phase of a four-year-old sexual harassment lawsuit against The University of Southern Mississippi."
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