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Kenneth N. Wexley

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Business
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 1992
Outcome Category: Resigned
Quote: "Specifically, the Hearing Committee found:

(1) [a] persistent pattern of intrusion into students' private affairs through the sexualization of conversations;

(2) [a] denial of a student's right to pursue an education and work with faculty in an atmosphere of intellectual and academic freedom; and

(3) [an] unreasonable use of his authority to take advantage of others in subordinate positions through sexual advances....

Hearing Committee's Preliminary Written Report and Decision at 11.

After considering "a wide range of penalties, including a warning letter, job transfer, last chance warning, counseling, removal of merit pay, suspension, suspension with conditions, and dismissal," id., the Hearing Committee recommended, by a five-to-one vote, that Professor Wexley be dismissed."
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