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Incidents at University of Minnesota

Total: 11

Incident 9033

Status: Resolved
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Business
Specific Discipline: Public Affairs
Outcome Year: 2021
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award
Quote: "found that a professor with the university's Humphrey School of Public Affairs used his position of power to sexually harass a graduate student in 2018."

"The settlement requires the Humphrey School of Public Affairs to pay the graduate student $75,000 and allow her to complete her degree tuition-free."
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Incident 8447

Status: Resolved
Person: Jason Cao
Role: Faculty
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Specific Discipline: urban and regional planning
Outcome Year: 2019
Outcome Category: Suspended / Leave / Restrictions
Quote: "In fall 2018, Humphrey administration was aware of separate completed University investigations which found Jason Cao and James Ron “more likely than not” violated University sexual harassment policy. The school informed students of the allegations and the discipline around the beginning of the 2019 fall semester.

Currently, the professors are prohibited for two years from advising certain Humphrey students as part of their discipline."
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Incident 8449

Status: Resolved
Person: James Ron
Role: Faculty
Position: Professor
Discipline: Social and Behavioral Sciences
Specific Discipline: Human rights
Outcome Year: 2019
Outcome Category: Monetary Settlement / Award, Resigned, Suspended / Leave / Restrictions
Quote: 5 month suspension. Restricted for two years from advising students. Resigned.

"The University of Minnesota gave a professor nearly $200,000 when he resigned last year following an unpaid suspension for sexually harassing a graduate student."

'The University of Minnesota's Humphrey School of Public Affairs must take specific actions to prevent sexual harassment and pay a graduate student who was harassed by her professor $75,000, part of a settlement reached with the state Department of Human Rights.'
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Incident 8113

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2018
Outcome Category:
Quote: Investigation ongoing
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Incident 7771

Status: Resolved
Person: Brad Carlin
Role: Faculty, Administrator
Position: Professor
Discipline: Medicine and Health Sciences
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2018
Outcome Category: Demoted, Training / Counseling Required
Quote: "A University of Minnesota professor who was called out publicly in December for his interactions with women has lost a leadership position and is the subject of four ongoing school investigations.

Brad Carlin was head of the School of Public Health biostatistics division from May 2010 until Jan. 3, when Public Health dean John Finnegan removed the appointment."

"Carlin was given a four-hour coaching session to “increase (his) awareness around diversity.”"
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Incident 8107

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category:
Quote: Investigation ongoing
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Incident 7770

Status: Resolved
Person: Randy Handel
Role: Administrator
Position: Associate Athletic Director of Development
Discipline: Athletics
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2017
Outcome Category: Suspended / Leave / Restrictions, Demoted
Quote: "Randy Handel, a high-profile University of Minnesota athletics official and fundraiser who violated the school’s sexual harassment policy, will be suspended without pay for two weeks, demoted and face other consequences, the university said Thursday."
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Incident 7772

Status: Resolved
Person: Jim Turman
Role: Administrator
Position: Assistant Vice Provost at the Recreation and Wellness Center
Discipline: Athletics, Recreation and Wellness
Specific Discipline: Recreation and Wellness
Outcome Year: 2015
Outcome Category: Suspended / Leave / Restrictions, Training / Counseling Required
Quote: Received training and a two-week suspension without pay in 2015 for making a sexually inappropriate remark to an employee, for telling an offensive racial joke to the same employee, and for expressing frustration that the employee was offended
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Incident 8070

Status: Ongoing
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2015
Outcome Category:
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Incident 7768

Status: Resolved
Role: Administrator
Position: Athletic Director
Discipline: Athletics
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2015
Outcome Category: Resigned
Quote: "University of Minnesota athletic director Norwood Teague resigned Friday amid revelations that he sexually harassed two female university employees — inappropriately touching both at a university-sponsored event, and sending a slew of graphic texts to one."
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Incident 7769

Status: Resolved
Person: Mike Ellis
Role: Administrator
Position: Associate Athletic Director
Discipline: Athletics
Specific Discipline:
Outcome Year: 2015
Outcome Category: Resigned
Quote: "The U confirmed that associate athletic director Mike Ellis has “voluntarily” agreed to the institution’s request that he take a paid leave from his job as investigators reviewing sexual harassment and discrimination issues look into five anonymous complaints that have been filed against him."

"Minnesota associate athletic director Mike Ellis resigned from his position Friday amid an ongoing investigation into complaints made against him."
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